Simple draws on April 1 at school. An original raffle for classmates at the school “Get lost and appear”

If April 1 is already today, and there is no time to prepare the draw at school, you should improvise on the go:

  • Stretching during the lesson under the desk (supposedly to raise the fallen pen), tie the friend's shoelaces together. At the same time, don’t be afraid, your classmate will not fall (he will feel “wrong” even at the time when he wants to get up from the table).
  • Attach a note on the back of the boy from your class, where the call for some harmless action will be written in capital letters. For example - “Hug me, raise your mood with your warmth!”. Cheerful schoolchildren, realizing that this leaf is someone's hoax, will come up to your classmate, clap your shoulder and hug. Shock to a classmate is guaranteed!

But you should not go too far. Remember that the rally must be kind, and the inscription is harmless, without insults and obscene language.

  • Cooperate with the headman - let her gather all the students at one of the breaks and tell the terrible news in a sad, pangy voice: the cool magazine is gone. And with it, grades for the current semester also disappeared. And now several teachers want to do a “slice of knowledge” - to conduct verification tests and lessons with oral answers of the whole class.

Such news will be a shock to many classmates. But the joy of realizing that the magazine is safe and sound, and no control is foreseen, will be all-consuming!

Taste raffles on April 1 at school for classmates

You can come up with a lot of jokes and practical jokes related to food on April 1st. So, for example, buy a pack of M & M’s and Skittles. Pour some of the sweet candies, and add dragees with sourness to the packaging. You can treat your friends to the resulting mix: it’s clear that they will not be limited to one candy, therefore they will be surprised to take out either sweet or sour candy.

And you can treat a classmate with an unusual scrambled egg: instead of protein, she will have yogurt, and instead of yolk - canned peach. Your main task is to bring the “egg dessert” to the school in integrity and safety.

An order has been given to everyone to have fun ... or why teachers are also people: TOP jokes on April 1 at a school for teachers

For some reason, this day everyone is playing out - classmates and children from parallel classes, friends from the yard and older brothers and sisters, parents ... Only teachers remain on the sidelines.

In general, the reasons are clear: many are afraid that the teacher simply will not accept the drawing, and for the joke they will have to pay extraordinary access to the board. But firstly, among the teachers there are people who are also not averse to joking on this day. And secondly: the rallies must be humane and correct, so they do not anger the senior mentor.

So, for example, you should not engage in sabotage and smear the board with soap - unless after classes you and your classmates, a friendly company, will not only wash the board, but also organize a general cleaning in the whole class.

Better go to the joke store and buy special crayons. Outwardly, they do not differ from ordinary ones, but they won’t write on the board - they won’t even leave a trace on the surface. Or stretch a rag well for the board, and then spray it with toilet water or perfume. A pleasant smell will stay in the room at least until the end of the day ... But you understand that you should not use expensive perfume for your mom or older sister for such a draw - it’s better to buy a bottle of inexpensive toilet water.

Or is it better that day you will simply please the teacher with the whole class? Arrange with someone from the neighboring class to come to you at the lesson and inform you that the teachers are calling to the principal. While the angry teacher will go from the director to you (after all, she will only cross the threshold of the director’s office, understand that she has been played), arrange a warm meeting for her:

  • inflate the balls (in the classroom there are several dozens of people - in a couple of minutes, 2-3 pieces can each be mastered, right?);
  • hang up pre-prepared posters - with words of gratitude, with jokes from your school life, with its cheerful sayings;
  • turn on the pleasant music on your phone (you can even its most favorite song).

She will come in, see all this splendor - and it is pleasant to be surprised at such a good rally. And after the lessons, you can get together in class and have tea with a cake ... After all, honestly admit: how often do you say “Thank you” to your teacher? .. So let not with words but with actions - but do it!

Mass flash mob - why not

If you want to arrange a spectacular and original rally, then act together with classmates:

  • Come to the physical education lesson not in your usual sports uniform, but in the original outfit: girls in pink tutus, worn over leggings, boys in tight tights.
  • Dress that day as much as possible - either in the same color, or using the same elements of clothing accessories (for example, girls and boys can put on trousers and vests).
  • Buy and distribute to everyone some funny elements: for girls on their heads the luminous crowns, for guys - butterflies or hoops with ears.
  • Agree: let all children going to the blackboard write words with confused letters. Everything written in this way is read without difficulty (check!), A person does not immediately notice errors.

The main thing is not to carry out this joke on linguistic subjects. It is unlikely that an English teacher will like errors in the text!

  • What about verbal answers in song form? .. Well, why not sing the Pythagorean theorem or talk about metabolism by rap?

Surely you thought over a couple of your draws on April 1 at school ...

Fine! But at the same time, be prepared for the fact that you can experience any such joke on yourself - with the easy submission of your friends at school! Do not be offended by jokes, laugh with everyone!

The Day of Laughter is approaching - one of the most fun holidays, when all people strive to play each other and have fun from the heart. On April 1, jokes and jokes are carried out by absolutely everything: children and adults, colleagues and colleagues, friends and lovers. At the same time, even the sharpest jokes do not cause offense, because on the Feast of Humor and Laughter everyone is happy and happy! We have selected for you the most interesting and funny practical jokes, jokes and jokes for April Fool's Day.

Funny jokes and practical jokes on April 1 at the school for classmates and teachers

What funny jokes can you think of on April 1st at school? Take note of the following jokes and try to play your favorite teachers and classmates. Friends at the desks will remember this fun day for the whole year! However, always remember that jokes and jokes, no matter how funny they may seem, should not be traumatic.

How to play a teacher at school on April Fool's Day

  • If you are not afraid of the anger of your favorite teacher, rub the blackboard with ... soap! Writing on it will be almost impossible.
  • Tell the teacher that the director or teacher from the next class calls him (here it all depends on your courage and arrogance!). And on the door of the director’s or teacher’s office, hang the poster “From April 1”.
  • In a conspicuous place (entrance hall, entrance door) at the school, post an announcement with the following words: “Due to the breakdown of the water pipe, classes on 04/01/2016 are canceled. Students in grades 10 and 11 should arrive tomorrow at 10 am in work clothes with buckets and mops. ”

How to play classmates on April Fool's Day

  • Offer a friend soda (cola, mineral water), but shake the bottle well in advance.
  • During the lesson, pass a note to the student in front of you with the words: “Look, there’s a mop on the ceiling. And pass on. ” Almost every classmate will definitely look at the ceiling. Ideally, the note should reach the teacher, who is also likely to look up.
  • Well, and how not to make fun of cute girls on this day? For example, putting something very heavy in their portfolios, and then watching how they would be completely at a loss to pull the satchel by the strap.

The best funny draws on April 1 for colleagues in the office and relatives

To surprise your loved ones, relatives or colleagues, sometimes you still need to prepare a little. We present you an excellent selection of original funny draws on April 1. You will be the best “prankster” on April Fool's Day!

To play your household, early in the morning of April 1, go to the bathroom, unscrew the tap divider and insert a tablet with food coloring. The effect will be amazing! Also take a bar of soap and cover it with clear nail polish. Oh, a miracle - the soap stopped foaming!

Make an “fried egg” with yogurt instead of protein and half the canned apricot in yolk.

Make fun of a colleague: paste the computer mouse at his workplace with tape with a tape.

A joke at work: call the secretary or another employee and ask them not to pick up the phone for 5 minutes, because at that time the telephone operator is working at the station and can be severely shocked. After 5 minutes, call again and scream that there is urine!

Funny April 1 Prank for Friends

How to surprise and make laugh your dear friends on April Fool's Day? There are a lot of options for jokes and pranks on April 1 for friends: these are jokes on the phone, and video pranks, and SMS. Below are some of the most interesting jokes that you can please your friends with.

Mix phenolphthalein with ammonia - you get a pink solution. Pour it into a cup and "accidentally" spill it on your friend. Only a few seconds will pass and the stain will disappear! However, in these seconds your friend will be, to put it mildly, in fierce indignation! Just in case, before April 1, exercise with fluids at home using a light, unnecessary cloth.

Funny joke on the phone: “Hello, good afternoon, do you need a talking horse? Please do not hang up! It’s very difficult to hoof! ”

Another cool phone joke. Call a friend and say: "We are from the Housing Office, tonight will turn off the water in your home, urgently draw water into all containers." And after an hour, call back: “Have you got water?” Fine! Now, please warm up - we will bring you an elephant to wash. ”

Short SMS draws on April 1

Urgent message from the emergency service! Leave your room immediately, as there is laughing gas in it!

Congratulations! In your branch of the Russian Post humanitarian aid arrived from Honduras. You can pick up the package any day from 4 to 5 in the morning.

Attention! You have exceeded the limit for using hot water. From this day you will wash your face and take a bath only in cold water.

Paying utilities just got easier! Just put the money in your inbox and our company will do everything for you!

Best Video Draws for April 1st

Laughter, as you know, prolongs life, and also strengthens friendships and simply contributes to a good mood. The best selection of ideas on how to play your colleagues, family members or friends is presented in this video. Funny original jokes from April 1 will please everyone, without exception!

Funny harmless draws on April 1 - a great way to amuse yourself and your loved ones. Do not be afraid to prepare a couple of funny jokes for your friends, colleagues and relatives. We wish you to well celebrate this wonderful day and be careful: do not trust anyone on April 1!

April 1 - April Fool's Day. This is probably the most fun day of the year. The day when you can and should play around. However, do not forget that the drawings should not be traumatic.

How to have fun on April 1 at school with classmates so that April Fool’s Day will certainly be remembered for a long time? The best jokes, practical jokes and jokes for April 1 at school read on site.

We bring a bottle with soap bubbles and tubules to one of the lower grades, but instead of real liquid we pour water there, pour soap shavings and citric acid in the proportions of 2: 1: 1. And when everyone starts to blow bubbles, imperceptibly pour soda into it - as much as citric acid. And we observe a funny chemical reaction!

Cooking cookies with toothpaste instead of cream. Only the paste should be pure white, without any inclusions, and preferably children’s. And treat classmates and friends.

We say to a friend: “I bet I will draw an eagle in one second?” And draw an oval, i.e. egg. And to the friend’s question “Where is the eagle?” - we answer: “Wait until the bird hatches!”

  • If you are not afraid of the teacher’s righteous anger, you can rub the blackboard with soap. In this case, it is impossible to write with chalk on it.
  • You need to take a cardboard box and put it on a cabinet or something higher than human height. At the same time, the bottom of the box must be cut out and the opening top left. On the side you need to stick a bright, noticeable from afar inscription, for example, condoms, and fill in a box of confetti. When the teacher enters the classroom and sees a box, he will try to remove it (or ask one of the students), and the box without a bottom - the victim will be showered with confetti.
  • Go to the teacher and tell him that the director is calling him. At the same time, on the door of the director’s office you need to hang up a poster with the following content: “Do not trust anyone on the first of April!”

Classmates can be played like this:

  • The phone of the comrade’s phone (part of which is applied to the ear) can be smeared with lipstick and call him. When he picks up, his ear will be all in lipstick.
  • Argue with a classmate, for example, on yogurt, that he will not be able to run in a minute a certain, obviously short distance. Gather spectators and you can start the race. Fix the time with a stopwatch. Naturally, the victim of the rally runs the specified distance faster than a minute and requires a prize. To which it is necessary to answer: “We argued that you will run in a minute, and you are faster. Lost, means. "
  • You can also offer someone soda by shaking the bottle several times in advance.
  • And, of course, the standard draw: “And you have a white back,” no one canceled!

“Laughter Day” is a day of practical jokes, jokes and laughter. Funny draws for April 1 and jokes will amuse you and your friends. Jokes and draws on April 1 will give you a lot of impressions, positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time.
Just do not forget one of the main rules, you need to have a sense of proportion in everything, remember that not only you should be funny. The main thing is that the jokes are fun and harmless.

Draws and jokes on April 1.


1.This draw is held on April 1 at school. The following text is printed on a sheet of paper: "In connection with the breakthrough of the water supply network of classes at the school on 01/01/2013. will not. Pupils of classes gather on the ground floor with buckets and rags. Administration. ”This ad is stuck to the door ...

2. Attach an announcement on the door: “The door opens onto itself”, “In connection with the repair of the corridor, the entrance to the school is from the other side”

3. 04/01/2013 schedule change: students ... classes are the first lesson .......

Very big and small, thin

At the end of the lesson, a class suddenly runs into the classroom and with horror on his face asks to hide it as soon as possible. Without waiting for permission, he arranges a small pogrom and tries to get to someone at the desk. Following the big one, the small one comes in

The real Santa Claus.

The school has the last lessons. And then He appears on the threshold of the class! The real Santa Claus. With a bag of gifts over your shoulders. In an embroidered red sheepskin coat, with a staff in his hand. And announces New Year! After which he is seriously interested in whether everyone is studying well. Do you remember the New Year poems and songs. and makes them sing and read.


Place the small box in a tall (taller than human height) place, such as a cabinet. The box should have an opening top and there should be no bottom. On the outside, stick a bright, visible from afar inscription - for example, KINDER and fill in a box of candy. The acted person enters the audience, sees a box with a defiant name and what does he do? Of course, removes it from the cabinet. A box without a bottom. Hooray, salute !!

With a salt shaker

A simple salt shaker is taken. Pour salt and sprinkle with fine sugar. If you still cook unsalted potatoes, let’s say, and say that they forgot to salt, and that the “victim” herself salt ...


1. Having run up to one of the guys to ask: “Is Winnie the Pooh a pig or a wild boar?” And quickly ask for an answer so that he does not have time to realize that this is just a harmless little bear.

2. The following questions are recommended to be repeated 3 times, and then you will get the desired result:
   - What comes from the sky in winter? (3 p.)
   - What color is snow? (3 p.)
   - What does the cow drink? (3 p.)
  If you did everything correctly and did not make big pauses, then all the guests, regardless of their academic degrees and titles, will unanimously respond in chorus: “Milk”.


Phone call 1. "Hello, my water has been turned off, can I come to you and buy my parrot."
  Phone call 2. "Hello, I have run out of sugar, you can not lend me two spoons for soup"
  Phone call 3. Call someone and ask that they would not answer the phone for 10 minutes, because The telephone operator is working on the line and can be shocked. After a few minutes, you call back to the same number, and if you pick up the phone, utter a heartbreaking scream ... "
  Phone call 4. Call someone and say that it’s from the Housing Office, that in an hour they will turn off the water and that they say we recommend storing water in all containers. An hour later, call back and ask: “Have you dialed water?” Warm up, now we’ll bring the elephant to wash. ”
  Phone call 5.- Hello, is this the number 143-26-12?
   - Not…
   - Why then pick up the phone?

Mop, chewing gum

A good raffle for school. Write a note at a lesson with the words: “On the ceiling there is a mop, chewing gum” and hand it over to a neighbor at the desk. Tell him to read the note further after reading it. The effect will be amazing when everyone who reads the note looks up, and with it the teacher!

Washing powder

1. Why not arrange a good raffle! To do this, pour dry infant formula into an empty pack from under the detergent powder (preferably a well-known brand). And one wonderful moment you need to get a pack from your bag and, using a spoon, “tasty” snack content. The attention of the audience is provided!
  2. If you agree with the cook, then he will pour sugar from the box of washing powder into the teapot (which is poured there in advance).

Lunch in one

Cookies tell the guys who came to dinner that there are not enough plates and cups for everyone. Therefore, the first, second, and compote will be applied immediately all in one. Merging demonstratively all into one, they explain to intelligent children that everything is mixed in the stomach.

Telepathic abilities

Invite your friend to think of a number from 1 to 9. Let him call him. Invite him to look under the phone or under the vase.
  A friend will be amazed: he will find a piece of paper with a mysterious number and a note: "I know what you are planning!"
  The answer is simple: you need to lay out pieces of paper with numbers from 1 to 9 in advance in different places and remember where what lies.


Somehow, on April 1, you can send all your friends SMS messages with the following text: “Finally open the door for me, I’ve already froze standing here!”
   The most amazing thing is how it later turns out that friends really ran to open the door.

Time ago

We take the elder brother (sister) in the amount of 1 piece. In the evening, when the relative falls asleep, we translate his alarm clock an hour earlier. And also, do not forget to set the clock in the room an hour earlier. The time should be identical. We go to bed and wait for fun in the morning. In the morning, turning off the alarm clock, your little brother, still half asleep, will plunge into the bath, wash his face, not understanding why it is so dark outside the window and why he wants to sleep so much. But a real surprise awaits him when he comes to a closed school. Just imagine. There are still few people on the street, and the school is a dark whopper, towering above your brother-in-law. To enhance the effect, you can sneak up behind it in the footsteps and shoot it all on video, chuckling softly.

for older guys

We give the future victim an envelope in which one hundred rubles lie, the bill should be in excellent condition. We give it with a sly face and warn as if by chance, they say, only do not pop into the ATM. Most victims lose about half an hour trying to find a difference. In no way admit that the money is genuine, you can fight off with phrases: well, almost, almost original. It is advisable to torment for at least one day.

Tarnished reputation

A solution of ammonia (ammonia) and phenolphtadeine (it is sold in pharmacies) are mixed. The result is a red-pink liquid. It is poured into a fountain pen and, on occasion, it is as if accidentally flicked onto white blouses or shirts of children. A chain of red spots causes a storm of indignation. After three seconds, ammonia evaporates and the spots disappear. (Practice at home)

Trolleybus, bus, route drawing for older children

Two people dress more or less identically, then they are located at two neighboring stops, for example, trolleybus stops. Then people in the trolleybus at the first stop have the following picture: the guy is running after the trolleybus already departing and, naturally, does not have time. At the next stop, the same type bursts into the open doors with terrible shortness of breath and words like: "I barely caught up !!!"
   The impression is indelible.

April 1 is known to many as a day of humor, laughter and jokes. During the year, this day is the highest in terms of the number of draws. Fans play a joke on someone, it is especially interesting how to play friends? Indeed, sometimes even the most inventive minds need a hint.

But, in such a delicate matter, As humor, the main thing to remember is that jokes and jokes should be good, so that after the rally everyone could laugh and no one would harbor resentment, overshadowing such a positive day.

Draw Options

  There are several options for harmless draws that are suitable for playing friends on April 1 (video).

Raffaello False Candy Draw

  This draw will require a little effort on the part of the one who is going to play the friend. The essence of the rally is to give a friend a treat in the form of Raffaello sweets, which in fact are not. How to do it? You need to take one processed cheese, grate it, add the garlic passed through the garlic squeezer to the mass, and for those who like hot jokes, add red pepper, then roll the balls from the mass and roll them in coconut flakes. False sweets "Rafaelo" are ready, you can safely offer sweets to friends who do not even know that sweets are something with a catch. It is very interesting to watch during the rally the friend’s reaction and how his expression changes! But, it is worth remembering that after such a rally, all friends will then relate to what you offer with caution and caution.

The same joke can be advised to those who are looking for ways to play friends on April 1 at school. For this, false sweets must be prepared in advance, and taken with you to school. And during lunch, offer classmates a “tasty” treat. ”

Toothpaste draw

  Such a rally can only be realized if friends are also neighbors in the apartment. To have time to play a friend, you must prepare the props the night before, or get up in the morning before everyone else. The essence of the draw is very simple: sour cream, for example, should be pumped into a tube from under the paste. Since the tube of paste has a narrow neck, in order for sour cream to get inside without external damage to the tube, use a syringe and sour cream of low fat content, since the kona is more liquid. A sleepy friend will not immediately understand what is happening, and his slow reaction and bewilderment will cause laughter. However, it is worth remembering that if a friend is allergic to lactose, then such a joke may not turn out very well. Other options, .

Draw with cutlery

Another option is how to play a friend on April 1, which is suitable for roommates. A pair of magnets should be placed under the tablecloth in the places where cutlery is usually placed. When a friend sits down to eat, he simply will not be able to understand why a fork or knife lifts so hard. Watching his bewilderment is priceless! The main thing is not to give yourself away too quickly with your giggle to prolong the pleasure of a joke.

Telephone draw

  Telephone jokes are another popular joke on April 1st. For example, when a friend is at work, you should call him on an office phone or personal from an unfamiliar number, and introduce yourself as a telephone line worker in a very serious voice. So that a friend probably believed in this, and did not get it right away, you can ask a friend or a colleague to call, so that a friend can not recognize the notes of a familiar voice. A fake telephone line worker should explain that in order to clean the telephone lines and channels, hot steam will come out of the tube under high pressure, and in order to avoid injuries, the tube should be wrapped with a napkin and put us in thick. The main thing here is to be convincing, and the effect of sudden pressure and lack of time to think will do its job. It's okay if a friend sees through the rally, in any case, you can laugh together at an unsuccessful attempt and listen to the story about what the friend was thinking at that moment, maybe he’s almost bought it?

More draw options

  There are tons of simple ideas on how to play a friend on April 1st. For the most part, these are simple, harmless and even cute jokes that will cause a smile on your face and remind you that April 1 is a day of laughter and positive.

Jokes with shoes

  For example, if a friend is a roommate, or a work colleague, or you just went to visit the arc, then you can secretly pour some groats into his shoes and wait for the high point.

Another joke with shoes can be cranked up at work, for example, gluing a colleague's replacement shoes with double-sided tape to the floor. It is unlikely that he will immediately understand what is the matter. For more fun, you can quieten somewhere and shoot a friend on the camera, then to review the video with his reaction and laugh together again.

Other jokes

Drawing "Smoked"

The condition for this raffle is that the raffle must be a smoker. We must offer to try a friend new cigarettes that someone allegedly brought from abroad, and this is very rare. After the person being played smokes an “overseas” cigarette, you should ask someone to start creating some kind of false special effects. For example, start turning on some quiet music, or the sounds of strange voices, flash in the costume of some beast. At the same time, you must play your part so that your friend believes that everything he sees or hears seems only to him. He must believe that the smoked cigarette really has “magical” properties and evokes sound and visual hallucinations. Which may be.

Missing Mobile

  You can play a trick on a friend by “stealing” his mobile phone. A joke will bring even more laughter if for a friend the phone is very important and he cannot imagine his life without his device. You need to secretly pick up a friend’s phone and hide it, setting it to silent mode so that you don’t declassify yourself by accident. A friend must believe that he has lost his phone. But, it is worth considering that if a friend is too worried and nervous, then you should not bring him to delirium tremens, and return the phone to him faster with kind words that all this is not worth such great experiences.

A joke with an alarm clock

  On the eve of April 1, you need to ask a friend to give his phone number on the case, for example, to make a call, and taking advantage of the opportunity to set him an alarm clock at 4 am, or 5 am And in the afternoon to call and ask how a friend liked such an early surprise and rise.

Pan draw

  Also suitable for those friends who live together. Pour water into the pan, cover with a paper sheet and turn upside down. The pan should be placed in such a way that it interferes, and you just wanted to remove or rearrange it. A friend who does not suspect anything will certainly take up the pan, which interferes, and, lifting it, makes a mini-flood.

Of course, there are plenty of other options for how to play a friend on April 1. The main thing is that any chosen method should not be cruel and correspond to the friend’s sense of humor. Indeed, in response to the rally, one also wants to get a laugh and a smile, and not bright emotional expressions, grievances and claims. If only one can laugh with a joke, this is certainly good, but it is better to laugh together!