Palm Sunday night.

  On the sixth week of Lent, there is a large church holiday - Palm Sunday. It is dedicated to the entry of Christ into Jerusalem. City dwellers met Jesus with palm leaves in their hands. They paved the road along which Jesus Christ rode on a donkey. In mid-latitudes, the palmaceous palm leaves were replaced with branches of willow over time. This tree first blooms in spring and pleases the eye with golden earrings.

On Sunday, parishioners carry bouquets of flowers to the temple. It was believed in antiquity that the willow consecrated in the church protects the house from enemies and sorcerers, cures diseases, and drives away troubles and misfortunes. Pussy-willow twigs were stored on the Virgin, next to the icons. Last year’s dried bouquets were not thrown away, they were buried in the garden or allowed along the river.

Spring water power

  March 30, at Alexei Teply, heavy snowmelt begins, large streams appear. Previously, they listened to their murmur, for a long time looked at the water currents in order to improve vision and hearing. On this day, magical properties were attributed to spring water.

Mother Alexei was bathed in birch tubs-tubs of small children. First, feet and legs were washed in the river water, from the bottom up, because a person takes strength and strength from his mother earth. Then they rubbed the tummy, chest, back, arms with a washcloth. Lastly, they lathered their heads. It was believed that after such a bath the kids "grow" and do not get sick. To strengthen immunity, protect yourself from spring colds, raise vitality in Lent, on March 30, the whole family drank birch sap infused with honey. A tasty and healthy drink was loved by both old and young.

Cheating day

April 1 was called a fraudulent day. People drove each other and a brownie awakened from hibernation by the nose. Nature teased with spring sun and thawed spots. However, no one believed in April Fools' jokes or deceptive warmth. Unless the bewildered grooms, the girls lied to them recklessly, they were afraid that their boyfriends would lead them, they would exchange them for others.

By the way, on April 1, they divined for marriage. We went to the river or pond, watch the birds. A pair of birds promised the groom and true love. A girl will see a lonely bird on the water, she may not count on the attention of the guys. True, because of such a prediction they were not painfully upset. They knew that in order to quickly jump out to get married, it was enough to wash with river water and whisper the words of the conspiracy three times: "Meltwater to my face will lead me to the crown."

April 1 trusted only dreams, they were prophetic, predicted fate.
  - The rustle of rain - to bitter tears.
  - To wind hair on curlers - to gossip.
  - Enjoy a cake, pastries - to great joy.
  - Wipe the dust from the icons - for longevity.
  - Keep a finger in your mouth - to poverty.
  - Peel, chop and eat apples - to unrestrained fun, entertainment.
  - Holding a broom or a broom in shame.
  - Bandaging someone’s finger - to vain accusations.

Photinia Well

  On April 2, they honor the memory of St. Photinius, who took martyrdom for faith. The Roman emperor Nero, cruelly persecuting Christians, ordered his servants to drop Photinius into a deep well. Since then, on the day of her death, well water acquires wonderful qualities. They washed her, sprinkled the walls of the house and the barn, sprinkled pets from pestilence and corruption.

Photinia was treated for a spring illness - fever. The healers, having secured the invisible support of a righteous martyr, copied a prayer verse on a small piece of paper. The patient wrapped it in an old homespun rag and wore it on his body until Holy Week. Then he burned with a cloth wrapper in the flame of a passionate candle. The peasants cast it in their own hand to please God. The ashes were supposed to be swallowed and washed down with fresh well water.

  Lazarev Saturday

Shortly before his death, Jesus Christ brought back to life his best friend Lazarus, who died of an illness. The miracle of resurrection occurred on Saturday, the sixth week of Lent. On this day, baked Kalachi - round, like the sun, wheat bread. In one of the kalach was placed a small money. The one who gets a loaf of bread with a surprise was declared lucky, his family envied him. Especially rejoiced coin damsels. After all, she, besides happiness and wealth, promised a successful and speedy marriage. Money was cherished, like a treasured talisman.

Palm Sunday, customs

On Sunday, the housewives cooked wheat porridge with raisins and willow earrings from wheat. She was generously watered with honey to hide herbal bitterness. Also, you can cook. In the morning they put the house and the yard in order, drove out evil spirits. They washed the hut, and rubbed the floor and benches with juniper branches, from evil spirits. By the way, this plant is a good natural antiseptic. They shook and burned old straw from mattresses. She absorbed for a year of illness and misfortune of the household. Prepared for Easter, for a bright holiday.

Dreams that on the night of Palm Sunday had a dream, did not leave without attention, interpreted and unraveled.
  - Amanita dreams - wait for an unpleasant conversation.
  - Pork sausage and fat to see - to the disease.
  - Postman - to confusion, disorder in deeds and actions.
  - Beer with a thick cap of foam - to wealth.
  - Big white mouse - to a robbery.
  - Hearing a crow crow in a dream - to family quarrels.
  - To dye hair - in reality, love to lose.
  - To hide paper money under a pillow - to a significant, large purchase.

A sure remedy for bad dreams is a talkative language. Mothers taught daughters: tell your friends about a bad dream before noon. Then he certainly will not be fulfilled.

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday are a mystical guide, allowing you to consider your future and find out how events will develop and what decision to make in a difficult, contentious situation.

Dreams, hopes, which a person aspires to, can often be realized in his dream.

Interpretation of sleep is necessary depending on the situation, focusing on a number of factors. If the events were colorful and the dreamer experienced joy, then it is worth waiting for changes in life, joyful and beautiful. Try to reproduce what you saw in memory and decipher the dream in detail. Probably a dream can become prophetic.

In the event that the one who saw the dream was an active participant in some grandiose event, he had fun at a party at the carnival, then he will meet an influential person who can make an advantageous offer. This important person will bring changes in life and change fate. By the way, it can become both a lover and a business partner in business.

So what was the dream from Saturday to Sunday? Quite often, such a dream can wake up the subconscious, provide an opportunity to look at yourself from the other side, to discover in yourself unsolved talents, abilities. It is necessary to pay attention to what a person was doing in a dream, and what emotions he felt at that moment. Even minor clues can affect the decoding of sleep, and later on life. Take a closer look, maybe you wanted to do this for a long time, but were afraid to admit to yourself.

Dreams dreamed on Sunday are a kind of psychological test. Everyone is able to see what he has long dreamed of, what he hopes for, what he strives for. Romantic nature will certainly consider its love, which it seeks or has already found. A workaholic in a dream can see the work done, how he solves difficult tasks, but a tired person can dream of a warm sand, sea, relaxation.

It is important to interpret the dream that has come from Saturday to Sunday. Events are not necessarily accurate. Sleep will be able to help find the answer to the question posed, will push us to the correct solution of the task. Sometimes, dreams hint that it is time to pause, take a break and understand what you need, to prioritize.

When night dreams are painted with dark, dull colors, and everything that happened caused alarming thoughts, depression, you do not need to immediately panic and get upset. Probably, after a couple of days the dreamer should not wait for bright events, everything will flow fresh, calm, ordinary, which is not so bad. The subconscious mind says that it is necessary to begin to control your life, learn how to manage it, pay more attention to the psychological state.

Let's talk in more detail what such mysterious and mystical dreams carry from Saturday to Sunday, whether they come true or not, how to decipher, interpret them.

What do Saturday to Sunday dreams mean?

Note that such dreams are important, they show events or characters that will bring joy, allow you to consider the right direction.

Many hints and tips will tell you what to do, with whom to communicate, and with whom to stop friendship, what to avoid, and what to strive for. Be sure to listen to what you see, do not neglect the signs.

It is very good when he has a vivid dream, bright and kind, he talks about the easy achievement of the goal.

The dismal dreams that caused alarm are quite rare guests these days. They say that he who sees a dream moves in the wrong direction. He should reconsider his views, plans, and begin to think differently to get the expected, cherished, desired.

Dreams on Sunday are deep and do not need to be told to anyone, otherwise the dream will lose its magical power. Energy, mysticism of dreams can dissipate, because everything can be realized in the very near future.

There is an opinion that what they saw can be realized before lunch on the same day. The intricate plots of Sunday dreams are of some interest, they are unique, mysterious, unusual. Remember what you saw and give importance to every detail.

Will dreams come true from Saturday to Sunday?

According to the majority, if a dream has not been realized for several days, then it is better to forget about it altogether. This is true, but something needs to be clarified. For example, if a dreamer dozed off before midnight, and he dreamed of something related to his family, then what he saw would come true, especially if the dream concerned his family. Deadline - until Wednesday of the week that will come. This applies to those dreams that carry information about everyday issues.

If the dream came from Saturday to Sunday night, then it can be considered prophetic, predicting certain events. Such an event can be expected for more than one year.

Quite often, dreams come true from Saturday to Sunday for people who were born on Monday, Tuesday, and also on Wednesday. Watermarks, that is, fish, crayfish and scorpions, should not expect that the Sunday dream will come true. They need to look for prophetic dreams in other days.

They say that if on Saturday we think about space, the moon and stars, the galaxy, then they will give a prophetic dream. The meaning of being will be dreamed precisely on this mysterious night, the vision will be vivid and memorable.

Imagine before going to bed the Arctic ice, the desert, a lot of snow and what you see will mean nothing. The dream will be fresh, gray, boring.

How to interpret dreams from Saturday to Sunday?

Love dreams on Saturday night show us the real state of things, try to be careful, such dreams are not often prophetic. It’s all because Sunday’s emotions reflect what a person dreams of, so don’t expect a sweet dream to come true. For example, if a lover had a dream, being a secret and an unattainable dream, making a marriage proposal or declaring his love, one should not expect this in real life.

If something dreamed on Sunday night, and a person woke up in the morning in a good mood, without negativity and anger, then things would go just fine with him. A change for the better awaits him.

Sleep on Sunday morning should be remembered in detail. Vivid events promise to get to know the right person who can affect the dreamer's life.

If a night's sleep made a very negative impression, left a residue on the soul, then you should not expect that something bright will happen that is out of the ordinary.

What are dreams from Saturday to Sunday?

Dreams of love, wedding

To dream of a beloved or spouse in a dream from Saturday to Sunday is wonderful. Especially if in a dream you were in a homely atmosphere, excellent if intimate. This suggests that the dreamer made the right choice and the chosen one suits him, he will bring joy and happiness.

If the chosen one does not know about love, then the dream indicates that he is looking to the side or has preferred another. Do not waste your time on him, look for someone else, nothing will work out with him. It is important that the half is nearby, but they simply do not pay attention to it.

A wedding has come about and in a dream you married the one you are dating. Expect a serious relationship with someone who will give a lot. If the groom was married with another, then the relationship can cool, a break, quarrel, quarrel, jealousy are possible.

Dreams about work

To say that dreams were prophetic is difficult. They do not promise anything bad, but you should not expect bright prospects for career growth. Basically, the dream reflects the dreamer's anxieties associated with whether he is waiting for his increase or not. If you saw a lot of money - great. The dream says that a person is waiting for an increase, wealth. But such a dream can be rarely seen. Gold came to mind - an exceptional case, solar metal promises the realization of desires associated with work, career.

Dreams of travel, relaxation

They say that it’s time for the dreamer to rest, drive away evil thoughts and just lie on the couch, go to nature, gain strength and vitality. Pay attention to the atmosphere in the dream from Saturday to Sunday. If calm, it means that the rest will be wonderful, vivid emotions and impressions will be received. In a dream we saw dark water, rain, you need to postpone the trip and solve those problems that are worrying at the moment. A person expects a conflict with loved ones, quarrels, scandals, misunderstanding.

Dreams of emotions

Everything will depend on what they were. Emotions will tell how real the state of affairs of the dreamer is. If a pleasant image in a dream was accompanied by negative emotions, it is worth considering. A negative background will tell that the day does not bode well, there just might be some trifle, a misunderstanding that you should not pay attention to.

Sometimes, positive emotions will not guarantee that after what you see, everything will be rosy and beautiful, and sometimes, a dream from Saturday to Sunday is fulfilled with amazing accuracy. Feelings experienced in a dream will tell you what a person feels at a given moment in time. This may be an internal conflict, confrontation, anger, hatred, joy, fun, depression. But it is worth warning that you do not need to take everything on faith, sometimes a dream comes true regardless of sleep. The main thing is to believe and go to the intended goal.

Dead in a dream

This is an important event that occurred in a dream. The dead come to rejoice with a person. Thank them, do not forget and remember them as often as possible.

The dead person means that the weather will change, and he will also tell about the difficulties that await the one who has seen a dream. On Sunday, a dream hints that sometimes negative actions can change, direct life in the right direction. Do not neglect the outstretched hand of help if it appears.

Other dreams

Sometimes you can see not only a vivid dream, but black and white. It requires close attention. This is a warning dream, it must be adopted. Sometimes a dream speaks of a painful state, acts as a symbol of body fatigue, severe overwork, nervous tension.

A dream also means that the sleeping person is saddened, sad, and worried. Perhaps something tragic happened in his life not so long ago. Another important factor that appeared on Sunday night is that the person does not like his position, the work is not suitable. It is usually recommended to relax, analyze the situation, do introspection and radically change the nature of your activity.

Dreams of animals, birds

They predict some difficulties in the family. If a predatory cat or leopard has caught prey or is hunting for it, you are trying to overcome problems by any means. Cuckoo dreamed - a man will live for many years. And sometimes a bird can be a harbinger of fire. A dream like this, dreamed up for the weekend, suggests that it is necessary to take measures to avoid the tragedy, irreparable. Sometimes a wild beast speaks of quarrels at work, in the family, this means slander, gossip, and other troubles.

Saw a deer in a dream, he will warn of trouble. Sometimes he says that some great opportunity has been missed, good, the right moment. A man tries his best to regain what he lost, but he will not succeed. It is worth calming down, the moment will still be presented, and the slip will not be able to affect the current moment in life. Everything by itself will return to normal.

Natural disasters, a ghostly element will tell you what is hard on your soul, a person is worried, worried. Sometimes, it is worth succumbing to the energy of the sun and try to deal with troubles no matter what.

You saw the jewels, this is a harbinger of what goes wrong in personal life. But you should rely on the fact that good is already nearby and support will come. Take a close look at the signals that fate gives in the coming days. They will help resolve the issue, the current situation.

There is a dream of paper or inscriptions on it, this is a warning that people are slandered, alleged friends say. A dream from Saturday to Sunday promises that the slanderer will be exposed, put out into the open. The dreamer will be able to restore his honest reputation.

Had a pregnancy. It says that such a situation can become real. It is worth considering whether the appearance of a child will really become a welcome event.

Everything that you dreamed from Saturday to Sunday carries a lot of secrets and mysteries. To solve them will help the dream book and memories, detailed details. Sometimes, it is better to forget about the dream and not remember, and sometimes it can be prophetic. Try to remember all the smallest details to find out the meaning of sleep. And dream books will help you with this.

Night is a symbol of good and evil.

Hearing someone’s voice at night is a sign that in the future a great man will come to Earth, perhaps he will be sent by God himself. Such a dream tells the dreamer that he has the ability to extrasensory perception: he can tell a person about the past, predict the future and heal people.

To see someone’s image at night means that in a not so distant time you will repent of a perfect deed.

If you had a dark, starless night, then such a dream is clear evidence that the state in which you live has the wrong policy. And while the ruler currently in power will be at the head of this state, nothing will change.

To dream of a clear, starry night is a good omen. Such a dream prophesies a happy life in the future and suggests that people will conquer many planets of the solar system.

Seeing in a dream in the sky a lot of luminous objects is evidence that in the future new planets will be discovered and contacts will be made with the living beings of these planets. Such a dream prophesies to the dreamer a meeting with an unusual person who will have a great influence on his life.

If you had a cold night, then such a dream indicates that there will come a time when our planet will not have enough solar heat and light. On Earth, the time of day will stop changing, there will be one continuous night. Waiting in the dream of nightfall is a sign that in the future you will meet with an evil person. Perhaps it will be a werewolf or a vampire, but because you need to beware of this person. On a universal scale, such a dream suggests that there will come a time when dark forces will come to Earth. During this period Evil will rule people, all human vices will be activated

  Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  Dream Interpretation - Night

The kingdom of the feminine.

This is a world of dreams, ancient mysteries and the subconscious.

The ancient Greeks believed that darkness and night: preceded the creation of all things.

That is why night has become a symbol of birth and fertility.

Explore the dark spaces of your soul, drink your own deep magic, follow your dreams.

Night also: may be a symbol of barriers and delays or inability to see things clearly and come into contact with one's own internal knowledge.

Declare yourself: "I see clearly my life's journey."

If the night is clear and the moon and stars shine in the sky: this is a symbol of intuition and inner magical spheres.

  Interpretation of dreams from

Perhaps the dreams that come from Saturday to Sunday can be considered with confidence the kindest and most favorable throughout the week. Even if you had a nightmare, which, incidentally, is extremely rare, then it does not bode much negativity, but only calls for a little digging in yourself.

General Description of Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

Sunday dreams are truly sunny and bright. And this is not at all surprising if we recall that these days are under the auspices of the brightest star - the Sun. It personifies all the best that can happen in life, promises an upsurge of creativity, good luck and inspiration. Sunday visions are full of invisible positive energy, they embody the dreams and aspirations of the dreamer, and also indicate better prospects.

Sun dreams quickly dissipate, but if the vision of this night was remembered in all details, it is very important to find the most important signs and tips in it. They contain information about what a person lacks for complete happiness.

Of course, sometimes our own desires differ greatly from what fate is ready to offer us. But it may make sense to moderate excessive ambitions and allow yourself to enjoy what is already there. Indeed, most often, happiness is nearby, and not in those sky-high dreams that do not allow you to see the big in the small.

Sunday Dream Features

A weekend's sleep is a vivid reflection of the dreamer's psychological and emotional state. Most often a person sees on Sunday night what he is dreaming of in reality. Therefore, if the vision is painted in gloomy colors or does not have a clear picture, then it is worth thinking about, maybe you are not dreaming about that?

But even if you had a pleasant vacation on the shore of a distant sea, a luxurious gift from a lover, successful promotion in your career or buying a brand new dress, this does not mean that this will happen in reality. Such visions only call for a little rest, think over plans, choose the right priorities.

If Sunday's vision was dull and caused some mental anguish? Nothing bad is expected, just another boring week ahead without special joys and stormy changes. Everything will be smooth, calm and familiar. But this is a great period to reconsider your life and enjoy this peace.

Especially vivid, full of details and characters of the vision promise a quick change. Take a closer look, who was nearby and what was doing? Perhaps it is on these people that your well-being depends.

A black and white somewhat hazy vision hints that it is time to take a break from the hustle and bustle. It is also a sign that there is mental discomfort. A merry holiday in a dream promises bright events in real life. Lonely people can soon meet their soul mate, family will enjoy some good news or solve a long-standing problem.

If it happened on Sunday night to see your friends or relatives, then soon they will need moral support or advice. If the vision had a negative connotation, then on the contrary, do not meddle with your advice. Make it worse.

When the vision comes true from Saturday to Sunday

It is believed that Sunday dreams come true very, very quickly. Most often - on the same day, most likely before lunch. And if the dream did not come true within a couple of days, then it can be forgotten.

In principle, this is true, but there are some clarifications. For example, if a person fell asleep before midnight on Sunday, and he dreamed of something related to his family, then this vision will come true with almost 100% probability. Moreover, the deadline is maximum - until Wednesday next week. But this only applies to dreams that carry a prediction on what is called a household level. If from Saturday to Sunday a really prophetic dream occurred, then its fulfillment may be delayed for several years.

With a high degree of probability, Sunday visions in people born on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday come true. But those who were born under the watermarks of the Zodiac (Pisces, Crayfish and Scorpios) should not particularly expect that the dream will come true on Sunday. They are better off looking for prophecies in the dreams of other nights.

It is not known for what reason, but more often than not, Sunday dreams become prophetic if, before going to bed, one thinks about the stars, outer space, and generally about the meaning of being. Probably, in such an unusual way, a closer connection is established with the world that sends night visions. If you imagine desert, snow or ice before falling asleep, you can not count on a serious predictive vision.

How to interpret a dream from Sunday night

Sunday dreams are special and need to be interpreted in a special way. The best help in this will be your own intuition. It is worth listening to your feelings and subconscious, they will give the exact answer. In addition, Sunday visions always have a lot of clear signs. One has only to find them the correct interpretation and you can get a detailed guide to action.

Best of all, if you have a very detailed dream with many actions and characters. By their behavior, one can guess how real people will act in an exemplary situation.

In general, bright visions signify the right path and the absence of obstacles. Dark and gloomy opposite indicate that you are walking along a curve path and you can pay for it. Take it as a warning to heaven — if you don’t change anything, you’ll make trouble. And you don’t have to blame anyone - you were warned!

Nightmares on Saturday through Sunday nights are rare. And even then, for the most part they reflect mental anxieties, worries or doubts. If on Sunday night you still had a nightmare or a particularly disturbing dream, then just look at the sun in the morning and ask him to pick up an unpleasant vision. The negative “aftertaste” will be immediately removed as if by hand.

What to look for

Remember, all things and objects in a Sunday dream symbolically reflect happiness. If you had a dream about a car, train, plane, or if you were driving, running, flying, then fortunately you have to literally get there. A quiet natural corner, a house in the village and other places make you think about changing your place of residence or vacation.

Visions with a romantic connotation most often reflect a possible state of affairs, but it literally makes no sense to interpret them. In them you see what you want, but it does not necessarily happen in reality.

For example, if you dream that a person who is not indifferent to you is in love with you, then in reality he feels a bit of sympathy. And perhaps, under certain circumstances, this feeling will grow into something more. If in dreams you found your lover on the other, then beware. Most likely, a break is coming, or at least a little pleasant proceedings. Besides:

  • Take a closer look at the characters that surrounded you in the Sunday story. These people can become loyal friends and reliable partners.
  • Had a very real dream, like a real life dream? This is a sign of a successful period, a big win, a pleasant trip or a new job.
  • In a Sunday dream, did you get lost in the forest or lost in an unfamiliar town? Your life energy is at zero and you spent it in vain. Take a break and then change the behavior.
  • Had to see natural disasters such as severe thunderstorms, hurricanes, storms? In real life you will experience emotions comparable in strength to them.
  • The same vision hints that your life has become too calm and measured. It is necessary to bring a fresh and active stream into it. Do something interesting, do what you have been dreaming about for a long time, go on a long journey or just out in the wild.
  • On Sunday night, did you happen to visit a fabulous garden, an incredibly beautiful palace, or other wonderful place? Soon the wish will come true, and fate will present a worthy surprise.
  • Have you found or just seen treasure chests, precious jewelry, big money and just trinkets sweethearted to your heart? Expect change for the better, unexpected success and prosperity.

On this night, you can often see friends, relatives and acquaintances. This is a clear hint that it is time to talk with them. Call, write, make an appointment.

What are dreams for Sunday

Sunday plots, due to their uniqueness, can have several interpretations at the same time. They can be interpreted in completely different ways, based on the promptings of their own intuition. Remember this.


Sunday dreams are very emotional and sensual. They reflect not so much the real state of affairs, as that which dreams in the sweetest dreams. Therefore, you should not take a positive image on faith if its appearance is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

The negative emotions of this day do not promise trouble or misfortune, they only call you to think about whether you did the right thing or are you just planning to do it? At the same time, positive moods do not guarantee that everything will turn out with amazing accuracy.

Feelings in Sunday dreams to a greater extent reflect the dreamer's attitude to a particular situation, convey his current mood, inner comfort or opposition.

In addition, the emotional state in a dream is a reflection of the same feelings that you will experience if the desired is fulfilled. But there is one warning. Do not take them on faith, because a dream is still a dream and it is not worth triumphing in advance.


Seeing your real lover or spouse on the night of Saturday to Sunday is very good. Especially if the vision is kind, homely and even somewhat intimate. This means that you have made the right choice and deserve your happiness.

If you are secretly in love, but find that the chosen one is walking with the other, then do not waste precious time on him. Remember, your half is still wandering somewhere nearby.

I dreamed that you married a loved one? You will know your great happiness with him, and even if this union does not end in a real marriage, he will give you a lot. If at night the groom was married to another, then the relationship is coming to cool, you are waiting for a split and probably a break.


Dreams about work on Sunday are not that prophetic, but they do not promise anything bad. Usually they reflect the usual work environment, relationships with superiors and colleagues. Less commonly, your fears or concerns about a correctly completed task. It is good to receive encouragement from higher authorities, a bonus, and praise from colleagues. These situations really promise something similar.

It has long been believed that Sunday is the Day of the Sun. And the Sun, as you know, makes our life joyful! Therefore, dreams that dream on Sunday night, as a rule, predict good news. They can concern both ordinary things, and love, as well as talents that a person keeps in himself for the time being.

Interpreters of dreams in their theories adhere to the designation of the Sun as a planet where love, inspiration and unlimited creativity reign. The sun brings happiness and joy to the hearts of people. Therefore, the dreams that come to people on Sunday night show various situations or people whose purpose is to illuminate the lives of others with a special, happy light. However, there are other people, and it should be understood that in life everything cannot be infinitely cloudless.

In cases where Sunday's dream is beautiful, this may mean that the dreamer should wait for new, interesting ideas or acquaintances with unique abilities that can amaze everyone around. However, there is one more interpretation if the dream had a dream on Sunday, colorful and sunny. This may mean a premonition of the arrival of strong love. Interpreters do not exclude that the appearance of a beautiful Sunday dream may precede the discovery in the dreamer of unusual talents, which he could only guess before!

Such a wonderful dream perfectly motivates the dreamer to active creativity. But if the dream is stingy and monotonous, there are no sunrays in it, then this can be a foreshadower of trouble. The only thing that remains to be done in this situation is to draw lessons and see any positive aspects in the accomplished event.

Interestingly, a faded, gray-colored Sunday dream is interpreted by some experts as an ineffective waste of energy out of pity for a friend, family person or just an acquaintance. The same dream can be interpreted as the presence of excessive nervous tension. Interestingly, the abundance of different animals in Sunday dreams can mean completely different perspectives. A deer runs to the dreamer - which means that everyday adversity is approaching, but you should not worry, they will pass by. Seen a cockroach - to soon incredible events.

So, from the Sunday dream, the main component is not taken from its plot and something seen or heard in it, but from what this dream is in itself, how the dreamer perceives it. If in a dream there is something pleasant, giving a bright and joyful sensation to the dreamer, then events ahead of him that are similar in mood. It can be anything! Children will delight in their successes, flood good feelings from something that has already happened, new acquaintances will come into life, from communication with which only positive emotions will remain. It can also mean a long-awaited trip.

If we fully analyze what the dream on Sunday means, especially if it is colorful, then we can unequivocally state the fact that the dreamer has an excellent mood and good mood. Of course, this will help in new achievements. At the same time, Sunday sleep, which brings heaviness, can talk about general overwork of the body. And in this case, you need to take a vacation and make a trip that will distract the dreamer from the daily rush, help restore strength.

If a hunting leopard eats prey appeared in a dream, this can be a foreshadowing of overcoming the existing family troubles. Cuckoo cuckoo in a dream - there will be a long life. If you don’t hear the sound of crowing, your ears will hurt. A cuckoo is flying - to be a fire. If the dreamer just saw a cuckoo, it means that his beloved dog will soon leave his life forever.

It is very important to understand that Sunday dreams, unlike dreams that appeared on other days of the week, have a general tendency to come true quickly. This can happen either on the same day, or the day after tomorrow, on Tuesday, in the morning. And since these dreams concern close friends and relatives, they must be immediately remembered and remembered in the future, until they come true.

Sometimes it happens that a person has a bad dream. How to be There are many ways to change your future: hold your head, look at the candle flame for a long time, knock three times on the window glass. In the middle of the night, you can turn the pillow over, turn out the pillowcase or tell this dream before dinner to as many people as possible.