The mating season in lions. Pride of lions

  • Title: Lion (Panthera leo)
  • Range: South Africa; small population in northwest india
  • Pride number: 6-30 individuals; average 15
  • Pregnancy period: 110 days
  • Gaining independence: 16 months
  • Territory: Unstable, depending on the availability of feed

On the hunt, lionesses act together and share prey (in this case, the warthog was their victim).

In the feline family (Felidae), there are 37 species. Almost all of them lead a solitary lifestyle and change their habit only during the mating season or when they raise their babies. Real social behavior is inherent in only one representative of this family - the lion (Panthera leo).

Leo - “the king of beasts” - lives mainly in the African savannahs, where he forms social groups called prides. A lion is able to survive alone, however, in order to be protected and breed, he needs to become a member of the pride. Groups of lions can hunt larger game than one lion and drive away predators like hyenas that feed on carrion.

The lion community forms around the female. A pride is a group of female lionesses, their cubs, and one or more dominant males that are not relatives of the lionesses. Such a group can include from 6 to 30 individuals, usually about 15 lions form a pride. The social connections in it are very strong: for example, lions willingly help each other to lick wool and raise babies. Games in which both lion cubs and adults participate, also stimulate the development of a sense of collectivism.

Each pride holds the territory, the size of which depends on the availability of feed. The selected site is protected by all adult members of the pride. Males attack only other males that violate the border, but lionesses protect the territory both from other people's lions and from lionesses. Lions mark the borders of the pride territory with urine and other secretions. A very important element of social life is the joint roar with which animals inform other lions that the territory is occupied. With these sounds, the lions also easily locate each other.

Females distribute among themselves the "homework" - hunting. With the help of good scent and keen hearing, they track down prey.

Lions are busy protecting the pride from uninvited guests, and lionesses hunt and raise offspring. Lionesses are hunted by a group, although, apparently, the degree of coordination of their actions depends on the area. Hunting is more organized in some areas than in others. If the hunt was successful, the prey is shared among all members of the pride. The order of obtaining food depends on the size of the animal: males eat first, then the food goes to the females, and only then to the cubs.

Lion cubs

Pride males can mate with any female group. This process lasts from three to five days, and during this time the couple copulates every five minutes. During the mating season, the female does not mate with other males and gives birth to cubs from one dominant lion.

The offspring (three to four lion cubs) appears in the female every two years. Pregnancy lasts about 110 days. The female who is about to bring offspring leaves the pride and only occasionally appears to maintain contact with other members of the group. Lion cubs join the pride when they turn 8 weeks old. When babies are able to eat solid food, the mother draws them to the prey section. From five months old, adults take lions on a hunt so that they can acquire the necessary skills. Lion cubs stay with pride until two years. Then adult lions drive out the grown males, and the lionesses remain with their native pride.

Men's prides

Expelled from the pride, the lions-relatives begin to live as a bachelor group. Lone males usually join other lion lions to form a similar group, since the life of a wandering lion is very dangerous. The larger the group, the greater the chance for the male to survive. One gets the impression that lionesses are able to somehow influence the sex of their cubs: babies from a large litter or peers who were born simultaneously to several lionesses from the same pride are likely to be males. These lion cubs will have the opportunity to leave the truth in a large group, which will increase their chances of survival.

Young single lions live together, forming a male pride. When they mature enough, they will be able to capture someone else's pride.

Males become sexually mature at the age of 4-5 years. A mature lion differs from lionesses and youth with a thick mane adorning its head and shoulders. This indicates his age and status in truth, the mane also in some way protects the lions in a fight with other males. The reason for the battles is an attempt to seize power by a male pride in someone else’s pride, when uninvited guests challenge the “local” males and defeat them. Lion invaders protect females and territory together. The more males in the pride, the more chances there are for successful protection from other lions. However, in a large group, a lion is less likely to mate than in a small community. In small male prides (up to four lions), males, most likely, are not related, and in a large pride all males are connected by kinship. And although in a large group the chances of each lion to participate in breeding are small, his male relatives will be able to do this and, to some extent, his genes will be passed on to offspring.

When new males capture the pride, they often kill sucker lions, whose fathers were the exiled lions. Lions do not want to spend energy on protecting other people's cubs, and therefore get rid of them. The lioness begins estrus, new lions mate with her to have native offspring. Since males usually hold power for about three years, infanticide ensures that at least one generation of their offspring survives adulthood. Lionesses sometimes try to save their babies and lead them out of the pride. But this is a risky step: if the female is absent for too long, she may not be taken back not only to her native pride, but also to none other. In this case, the lioness and offspring establish a new pride.

A documentary about lions.

White tiger against two lions.

Lion vs Tiger.

A lion saves a rhino cub from hyenas.

A young lion against a crocodile.

Lion against crocodile number 2.

Video about the clash of two lions.

Several hunters, the exact number is still being established, decided to secretly make their way to the reserved territory to kill the rhinos. However, they themselves experienced a fate in this.
  In southern South Africa, lions tore poachers to pieces in the Sibuya Nature Reserve on the night of July 1 to 2.

Cruel laws of the lion pride

This was shared by the owner Nick Fox. The men had axes, a rifle with a silencer and nippers with them - they clearly planned not only to kill, but also to cut down their horns. Also dry packs for several days. A flock of lions seems to have stumbled upon them and cracked down. During the tour, the remains of a man and torn things were found, after which they immediately began to call the police and the poaching service - they arrived only two days later, on June 4. The “defenders” of the rhinos were euthanized with a dart until the circumstances were clarified - they still cannot tell the exact number of dead.
  This is not the first time that South Americans have lions tearing “enemies” in their territory. In the Ingwelala Private Nature Reserve, the hunter tried to escape by giving signals, but when he was found, it was too late.


What is a pride?

Pride is a lion family. A few lions and a couple - three lionesses with children.  In nature, you can find prides consisting of 30 - 40 individuals, but these are the most numerous. As a rule, in a pride there are 8 - 10 lions: lions, kittens and lionesses. Prides in essence are female forms of a pack, in most cases of a related nature. They are united under their leadership lionesses to protect their children. Lions just join the pride.

Lion Pride Structure

Among the lions there is only one main (leader). He is the very first " the groom", the first to rush to protect his" family "from the threat, has the full right to the tidbit after a successful hunt.

"In fact, lions in very rare cases start a fight with other animals first and almost do not fight among themselves. Even during estrus, trying to get an answer to their feelings, they do not when they do not fight with rivals. Instead of a quarrel, they leave the final choice for the lioness, and the rejected "groom" can go for a walk on the savannah, waiting for their turn, or try to find another girlfriend for themselves, because by their nature lions are supporters of polygamous relationships and, as a rule, a lioness does not mind "twist love" with several partners at once, whom she satisfies in turn. A lion may well have his own harem, or share another lioness with an opponent. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that in nature there are groups of four lions and two lionesses or one lion and three lionesses, and in fact there can be many such combinations. Often, 2 lions born in the same year can be connected with a deep friendship and they live and hunt together for a long time. There have also been cases of great affection between the lioness and the lion."(L. Kotlow)

As a rule, young lions by the age of two and a half years leave the family (pride), so as not to fight for the championship. They have been living and hunting for a long time for about two to three years alone or in small teams (no more than seven lions). And since sooner or later a lion needs to return to his pride, it is much easier to capture and then defend with a team.

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Pride exercises control over the area on which to hunt and tries to expel other prides from it. The leader must mark the area of \u200b\u200bthe pride with urine and secretions from the anal gland. And every lion who approached this place perfectly understands where the alien territory begins.

Lonely young lions are not responsible for the cubs and the protection of the territory, because of this their nutrition is much better, and in the end they win back a site on which to feed one or more prides of lionesses. First of all, when a pride is captured, all the cubs and lionesses are destroyed while they can not oppose anything to this, and only kids older than a year old can be saved. In a lioness, in whom all the lionesses were killed, after two or three weeks the estrus begins and after a while she will give birth from the new leader. The killing of other people's children is a necessity, otherwise it will take about two years to get their own offspring, and this despite the fact that the leader of the lion family (pride) changes at intervals of two to four years, so the likelihood that he will have time to raise his own children is practically equals zero.

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"... our car almost knocked down a pride of several lions that lay down freely in the sun. All of them - a lion cub, three lionesses and a lion carefully looked at us, but did not even think to get out of this place ... Although the lions saw the car approaching, it seemed that they didn’t care at all ... We slowed down five meters from the pack. The lions still lazily lay and examined us with detachment - all except the cub, who grinned and growled loudly at the car. The adult lions did not seem to be interested in us at all, they lowered their muzzle, and one of the lionesses even covered her eyelids and seemed to doze off. Her colleague was a little further and seemed unable to consider us. She got up and leisurely went to us, although not looking in our direction. However, the lioness came very close to us and did not seem to pay any attention to us. Having come to life, I asked the driver to drive close to the lion parking lot.

We stood at a distance of about a meter from the nearest animal. I wanted to take a few frames and lowering the glass, I directed the movie camera directly at the lioness. There was a barely audible buzzing and she raised her head again and squinted a little, looked at me in surprise. Her gaze was full of friendliness and calm, although there was some confusion in him, and it seemed to me that the cat smiled slightly at me. I had a desire to take some photos, I took out a "watering can" and photographed this magnificent animal. In the end, we apparently tired of her and she got up and headed towards the nearest bushes, and the rest slowly trotted after her. Their whole appearance expressed complete indifference and contempt for us."(L. Kotlow)

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  "There are many similarities between man and a lion. People and lions are walking around the planet, as if they are the foundation of everything. They have no doubt that they are like people or lions, the ruler of the universe, the salt of the earth, the crown of nature." ("Zanzabuk Dangerous Journey" by Lewis Kotlow)

Pride life video

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Individuals in a particular population can live in isolation or unite in packs, herds or colonies and lead a group lifestyle. Between individuals there are certain relationships. These reactions may be:

  • positive (attraction)
  • negative (avoidance).

As a means of communication, animals use visual, olfactory and auditory signals. The system of relationships between members of the same population is called the otological, or behavioral, structure of the population.

There are two main types of lifestyle:

Under a single or single-family way of life understand the separate existence of animals of each in its own individual area. In species with a predominantly solitary lifestyle, temporary accumulations often occur in wintering places, as well as during the breeding season (in this case, a single lifestyle becomes a single-family one). A single lifestyle is characteristic of many species, but only at certain stages of the life cycle. In many species, in the breeding season, males and females uniting in pairs (families) occupy the same individual area on which their young live before the growth and disintegration of the family.

Group lifestyle exists on a par with solitary. Being a member of a group has its own benefits. In the group, animals are more likely to provide themselves with food and spend less energy on food. It is known, for example, that the nutritional efficiency of many fish in a school is higher than that of single individuals. Group associations contribute to the creation of favorable microclimatic conditions. Different plant densities will create optimal illumination and maintain a favorable temperature and humidity regime. Animals use the microclimate formed by the plant community, but they can create it themselves. In families of public insects (bees), the accumulation of many individuals ensures the maintenance of an almost constant temperature.

Curious Facts About Lions

In anthills and termite mounds, humidity and temperature are always kept at a certain optimal level.

In artificially isolated individuals:

  • the metabolic rate changes markedly,
  • reserve substances are spent faster
  • a whole series of instincts does not appear,
  • overall vitality worsens.

Under the effect of the group understand the optimization of physiological processes leading to increased viability of individuals with their joint existence. The effect of the group manifests itself as a reaction of an individual to the presence of other individuals of its species. In this case, a decrease in the intensity of respiration occurs, the growth and development rate (the work of Schwartz and Pyastolova) increases, and resistance to toxicants increases.

Widely used classification based on the quantitative representation of a particular group of individuals.

Examples of group lifestyle.

Family. Family lifestyle dramatically strengthens the relationship between parents and their offspring. Moreover, the territorial behavior of animals is most pronounced. There are several types of family groups. In paternal families, the male takes care of the offspring (rotan guards the masonry). The most common type are maternal families. Examples of this kind are enough. In many birds, the laying is guarded and fed by the offspring of the female. In mixed-type families, both parents participate in the protection and feeding of young animals. Such, for example, are some species of birds (swallows, swans, etc.).

The colony is a group settlement of settled species. Colonial settlement is a combination of the features of a single and group lifestyle. A colony can exist for a long time (rodents) or occur only during the breeding period (corvidae). The term "colony" itself is used in a very broad sense, as applied to reproductive groups of a very different nature. Colonies can be considered a colony of sea acorns, in which the relationships of individuals are reduced to chemical secretions, and colonies of other invertebrates that reproduce asexually (sponges, polyps, bryozoans, corals, etc.). Such colonies in many cases, in fact, represent the offspring of one individual (clone).

A much more complex form of the colony is the settlement of animals in which their individual vital functions are performed together. Such functions include protection against enemies and warning alarms. For example, in a dense colony of the eider Somateria mollissima, located openly, 4 times more nests were ravaged by seagulls than in a less dense colony. Thus, life in the colony increases the likelihood of survival of individual individuals. In addition, in many colonies, collective care of the offspring is possible. A textbook example of this kind is the formation of a "manger" among penguins. They represent temporary or more permanent associations of chicks from several broods. In penguins of the genus Aptenodytes, chicks form clusters on their own initiative. It is believed that the main stimulus for this is the deterioration of weather conditions, since heat loss is reduced in the group.

A flock is a temporary association of animals of the same species, connected by a common habitat or breeding. Flocking ensures the performance of any functions in the life of a species, for example, protection from enemies, prey, migration. Based on the method of coordination, the flocks are divided into two types:

  • without a pronounced leader (flocks of equipotential type). Individuals in the flock are similar in their individual properties and are almost equivalent in fish.
  • with the leaders that other individuals are guided by. In this case, the structure of relationships is based on the morphofunctional heterogeneity of individuals.

Such a system of relationships is most characteristic of moving mammals, but some birds are also found in a simplified form. In mammals, flocks are known for predatory animals - wolves, hyenas, hyena dogs, coyotes, etc.

Pride. This is a stable group of lions Panthera leo with a relatively stable abundance. The unity of the group is largely based on the unity of the common territory, which can reach 90 km. "

Prides include mainly from 4 to 15 adult animals, in total this number can reach 37 individuals. A typical pride consists of 2 males and 7 females. The hierarchy is not very rigidly expressed in it. Competitive relations between females are absent. The formation of a pride occurs when a meeting of nomadic young males from one pride and a group of unrelated females coming from another pride. This prevents inbreeding.

A herd is a group of animals of one species living in any territory or water area. From an environmental point of view, a herd and a flock are about the same thing. The herd is clearly defined hierarchy. In most cases, the most experienced adult animals are in the leadership position. The biological significance of leadership is that the individual experience of individual animals becomes the property of the whole herd. This increases the level of adaptability of its actions, and, accordingly, survival. In addition, there are herds with leaders. The leader, unlike the leader, actively directs the herd's activity through special signaling, and sometimes with direct aggression. These individuals carry out a number of functions of universal significance and act as dominants in their group of animals. Herds of this kind are most characteristic of primates, but are also found in some species of ungulates, large carnivorous mammals, and in a simplified form - in some chicken birds and cetaceans.

Flocks and herds are mainly nomadic way of life, i.e. constantly on the move. The distance between individuals in such groups, when they can interact with each other without violating certain individual boundaries, is called the herd distance.

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Animal - Lion

Lion Pride Structure

Lions are predatory mammals and live in family groups, the so-called prides. The pride consists of one to three males, several sexually mature females and lion cubs of both sexes. Females hunt for pride, while males hunt for territory.

Lions are the only feline that form social groups, prides.

The basis of the pride is 2–18 lionesses, as a rule, these are close relatives with their own territory (the lioness always inherits the territory of the mother). Pride lionesses generally do not establish hierarchical relationships among themselves. Several lions live with them, among which one is the dominant, he is not always the strongest, but other lions recognize and do not dispute his supremacy. He is the first to eat after a successful hunt, the first to mate with the females during estrus, the first to attack the enemy - the lion - that invaded the territory of the pride. In total, the pride can contain up to 40 animals, but on average about 13.

There are rarely more than three adult males in the pride, because when they grow up, young lions begin to challenge the leader’s leadership. If they do not succeed, they are usually expelled from the pride and either create their own or lead a single life for some time. The ancestors of the lions, like all other cats, were loners. Therefore, despite the fact that lions are social animals, the nature of lion prides is quite unique. The hierarchy within the pride is either weakly expressed or completely absent, which is extremely atypical for pack animals. This feature is expressed in constant conflicts within the pride, and in the fact that, as a rule, not one of the lions, even an adult male, has unquestioned authority. It also follows from this that there is no leader in lion communities. Despite the fact that an adult male is the strongest individual in the pride, he does not make any decisions.

When to go hunting, which animal to attack, which territory to go in search of prey - all this is decided by the females, but even they do not act together. On a hunt, as a rule, each lioness chooses a target for herself; at best, they are split into pairs that act together. All this is very unusual for social animals and suggests that the lion pride is not a pack, in our understanding of the word. It is rather a group of strong personalities, gathered together by necessity, but never learned to act as one team.

The pride protects aged and sick lions, for example, if a lioness cannot hunt due to injuries sustained while hunting, then she is allowed to eat. Leo is the only representative of the animal world that females care for.

Photo: amanderson2

Young lions, growing up, begin to claim the championship and at the age of 2.5 years are expelled from the pride. Subsequently, they either create their own pride, or for 2–3 years they live alone or in small groups (up to seven lions, usually brothers) without females. It is easier for such a group to capture a pride than a lone lion, and it is easier to subsequently defend their pride: if a pair of males usually keeps the pride within 2.5 years, then a coalition of 3-4 males is more than three years. Young lonely lions are not burdened with feeding cubs and worries about the territory, so they eat better and sooner or later conquer territory for themselves, on which one or even several prides of lionesses are located. The first thing that the male does, capturing the pride, is killing all the cubs. Lionesses, as a rule, are not able to interfere with them, and only lions older than a year have chances to save. In a lioness who has lost a lion, after 2-3 weeks estrus (estrus) begins and she will soon give birth to a new leader. Such an infanticide (killing of cubs) is a necessity, since otherwise the new leader would have to wait at least two years, and despite the fact that the leader, as a rule, is replaced every 2–4 years, he would not have time to raise his own cubs .

Pride gives lions the benefits of hunting. In the group, the chance of a successful attack increases, and hunting for larger and stronger animals, such as an adult buffalo, becomes possible. It becomes possible to protect the underfed corpse from spotted hyenas and scavengers. However, the lion has less food than if he hunted alone, since he gets only a small part of the prey. The reason for the formation of the pride may be the need for cooperation when growing lion cubs. Lionesses give birth almost at the same time, which allows them to jointly feed and protect all cubs. In addition, a large pride is able to withstand the territorial claims of other lionesses, can seize their territory and kill lionesses of neighboring prides.

But, apparently, the main task of the pride is the joint protection of the cubs from stray lions and from the lions that captured the pride: joint defense, at least, allows the lion cubs to stand up.

Pride is a lion family

Pride is a family of lions. A few lionesses with children and a couple of lions. There are prides consisting of approximately forty individuals. These are the most numerous. But usually in the pride there are 10-12 lions: lionesses, kittens and lions. Prides are women's associations, most often related. They are created by lionesses to protect offspring. Lions only join them. Among the lions - one leader. He has the right to be the first to profit from the victim of a successful hunt, the first to defend the territory of the pride, the first to be the “groom” in the pride.

“Lions do not engage in fights with other animals and rarely seriously fight each other. Even during estrus, seeking the favor of a beautiful lioness, lions almost never descend to a fight with an opponent. Instead, they quite reasonably grant the lioness the right to choose, and the rejected gentleman goes in search of another girlfriend, or he can wander around and wait for his turn, for lions are supporters of polygamy and the lioness usually has nothing against friendship with several lions, whom she loves in turn. A lion can have a harem or share one lioness with another lion. That's why you can meet a group of a lion and three lionesses, or two lionesses and four lions, and almost any combination in general. Often, two one-year-old lions are connected by close friendship, and they hunt and live together for a long time. Of course, there are also known cases of deep affection between a lion and a lioness ”(L. Kotlow)

Usually young lions at the age of 2.5 years leave the pride, so as not to qualify for primacy in it. They live alone for 2-3 years or in small teams (up to seven lions). And since sooner or later a lion needs to get into the pride, it is easier to capture him and then defend him with a team.

Pride owns the territory on which he hunts and protects it from other lions. The most authoritative lion of the pride marks its borders with a mixture of urine and secretions of the anal glands, and any lion that approaches its land knows where the border is

Young lonely lions are not burdened with feeding cubs and worries about the territory, so they eat better and sooner or later conquer territory for themselves, on which one or even several prides of lionesses are located. The first thing that a lion does, capturing a pride, is killing all the lion cubs. Lionesses, as a rule, are not able to interfere with them, and only lions older than a year have chances to save. In a lioness who has lost a lion, after 2–3 weeks, estrus begins and she will soon give birth to a new leader. Killing cubs is a necessity, because otherwise the new leader would have to wait at least two years for his own offspring, and despite the fact that the leader of the pack (pride), as a rule, changes every 2–4 years, he would not have time to raise his own cubs

“... our car almost crashed into a group of lions basking in the sun. All of them - a lion, three lionesses and a lion cub - raised their heads, carefully looked at us, but did not move ... The lions watched our approach, but it did not seem to bother them ... Fifteen feet from the lions we stopped. The lions continued to lie calmly and indifferently contemplate us - everything except the lion cub, which growled furiously on the car. The rest, it seemed, were not at all interested in us; after we stopped, they lowered their faces, and one lioness, lazy and nonchalant, closed her eyelids and dozed off. Her friend was lying at a distance and could not properly examine us. She got up and moved toward us, although not dignifying us with a look. The lioness walked by, not paying the slightest attention to us, and disappeared into the bush. Perked up, I ordered the driver to bring the car very close to the lions very slowly. We were four feet from the nearest lioness. I lowered the glass and aimed the lens directly at the lioness. When the buzzing of the device was heard, she lifted her face and squinted slightly, as if surprised at what was happening. Her look was calm and friendly, although it betrayed some wariness, and it seemed she smiled softly. Having filmed the lions on the film, I took out a "watering can" and took a few more shots. In the end, the lion got up and went to the bush, the rest followed him. They all left with a dismissive look ”(L. Kotlow)

None of you will argue that the lion is the king of beasts and the king of the jungle. This is a strong and graceful animal that deserves respect. He has practically no enemies. And who would dare to attack such a formidable predator, who, moreover, is the master of the pride, consisting of strong animals that can repel any aggression.

Most people consider a lion a gregarious animal. But to compare the pride with the herd would be wrong. Unlike the herd, where each by itself, the pride has a strict order, and the lion in it is a respected leader and ancestor of the family. Of course, he does not pretend to be the leader. For this, there are younger males in the pride. They then fight for the throne. Sometimes brutal bloody battles unfold between the leader and the young applicants. Just because no one will give up the palm. Only the death of his rival can reveal the strongest. So it turns out that the sons of the pride leader are his mortal enemies. And while the leader feels the strength in himself, they are not competitors to him, and are forced to blindly fulfill his will. But over time, the leader’s forces go away, which is what young people use.

Sometimes the authorities in the pride try to challenge a lone stranger. But that rarely happens. In most cases, it simply joins the pride, thanks to the tacit consent of the leader. He is even allowed to choose a female and acquire offspring. The main thing is that respect should be shown to the leader.

Males in the pride do not work. All cares for food are taken by lionesses. They are completely independent in their choice of victim, place of hunting, and tactics of its implementation. As a rule, they attack large animals together. Unlike males, there is no quarrel between them. Females live together throughout their lives. They even raise offspring together, not dividing it into friends and foes. If trouble happens, and the female dies during the hunt, another lioness takes care of raising her lion.

The first to get access to the killed animal is the lion, the oldest in the pride. During his meal, the rest of the lions patiently wait for their turn. Only after the leader is saturated can they come to the prey. Young males do not take part in the hunt. Their main task is to protect the pride from predators who are trying to attack lion cubs.

The head of the pride is the first to choose a female for mating. He takes her away from the family, and mates with her up to forty times during the day. In young males, the mating season is accompanied by constant fights that arise on the basis of the female’s choice. The winner gets his own, and the vanquished leaves with nothing.

It turns out that the pride of the lions is a way of social existence of individuals belonging to the same family. This is a method of communication, protection, mutual assistance, support each other, obtaining food. Nobody here suppresses anyone. Everyone bears a certain share of responsibility.

A lion ( Panthera leo) - an animal of the mammalian class, such as chordates, predatory orders, felines, panthers, subfamilies of Big cats.

Aborigines living with the lion side by side called the predatory lion “wild cat”. Its modern name, consonant in many languages, the lion received in the 18th century from the Latin word leo.

Description of the lion, appearance, characteristics, photos of the animal

Of the existing wild cats, the lion is inferior in size only. An adult male lion weighs on average up to 250 kg with a body length of 2.5 m. The flexible, mobile body of a lion has well-developed muscles of the neck and forepaws. Claws of a lion reach 7 cm in length.

The massive head of a lion with an elongated muzzle is endowed with strong jaws. The lion has 30 teeth, fangs up to 8 cm in size allow him to successfully hunt large animals: roe deer, wild boars, and.

The tongue, covered with tubercles, helps to quickly get rid of blood-sucking insects and care for the hair.

On the face of the lion are several rows of whiskers with dark spots at the base, forming a unique pattern for each individual. Newborn lion cubs are spotty, like, but in adulthood, the spots disappear. The color of the lion's coat can be sand, brown or with a red tint. The tail ends with a spectacular black tassel.

Some individuals inside the brush have a “spur” - a fused vertebral ending.

A distinctive feature of lions is exceptional sexual dimorphism. Male lions are much larger in size than females and are endowed with a luxurious mane that appears already at six-month-old lions. By the age of three, the pile on the lion’s mane grows to 35-40 cm. The color, length and splendor depend on genetics, area and amount of testosterone. Old seasoned lions have the thickest and shaggy mane.

It will seem surprising, but lions are animals that have the smallest heart among large predators. That is why they do not differ in special endurance, although when running for short distances, lions develop a speed of up to 80 km / h. Under natural conditions, lions live 12-15 years, in captivity, life expectancy increases by 5-7 years.

Types and classification of lions

The classification of lions has 8 subspecies:

  • asian(Persian, Indian) lion (Panthera leo persica)

different squat body and sleek, not too thick mane. The weight of a lion is 150-220 kg, for males from 160 to 190 kg, for females from 90 kg to 120 kg. The growth of the Asian lion at the withers reaches 1.05 meters. The record length of the lion reached 2.92 meters. A little more than 500 representatives of this species of lions live in the Indian Girsky reserve. The largest Asian lion recorded a length of 2.92 meters;

Asian (Persian, Indian) lion

  • barbary Lion (Barbarian) (Panthera leo leo)

the most massive predator with a dark thick mane. Everywhere inhabited the African continent. Unfortunately, it was finally exterminated by man at the beginning of the 20th century. Today, descendants of the Barbary lion live in captivity, but there is no need to speak of purebred species. The weight of the male lion reaches 160-270 kg, the weight of the female is 100-170 kg. It was the largest predator of all species of lions;

  • senegalese (West African) lion (Panthera leo senegalensis)

The males are distinguished by a light, short mane (or lack thereof), light coat and small size. The prides of this predator are smaller, and the shape of the skull is different from other types of lions. The habitat is located south of the Sahara from Senegal in the west and east to the Central African Republic. About a thousand representatives live in the savannahs of Guinea, Nigeria and Senegal. This species of lions is endangered;

Senegalese lion

  • north Congolese lion ( Panthera leo azandica)

in appearance it is similar to other African relatives. It lives in the savannas of northeast Congo. The population of this species of lions is gradually decreasing;

  • east african(Masai) lion (Panthera leo nubica)

subspecies of the African lion. Males are distinguished by elongated limbs and a mane combed back. Male lions reach a length of 2.5 - 3 meters, including the tail. The length of the lionesses with a tail of 2.3 - 2.6 meters. The weight of the male lion is 150-230 kg, and the female 100-165 kg. Lions and lionesses have a withers height of 90 - 115 cm. The habitat of this species of lions - Zambia, Uganda, Mozambique and other states of eastern Africa, also inhabit the Masai Mara Kenyan reserve;

  • south west african(katangan) lion (Panthera leo bleyenberghi)

differs in light color. It lives in southwestern Africa from Angola to Zimbabwe. The length of the male lion with the tail is 2.5 - 3.1 meters, the length of the lioness is 2.3 - 2.65 meters. The mass of the male lion is 140-240 kg, the weight of the females is 105-170 kg. The endangered species of lions is on the verge of extinction;

  • southeast african(transvaal) lion (Panthera leo krugeri)

large individuals, males are owners of a long dark mane. Some representatives have leukism - a mutation associated with the absence of melanocytes. Such exotics have white coat and pink skin. The body length of a Transvaal lion with a tail is 2.6 - 3.2 meters, the size of a lioness is more modest 2.35 - 2.75 meters. The weight of the male reaches 150-250 kg, the female - 110-180 kg. More than 2 thousand lions live in the Kruger National Park, as well as in the southern part of the African continent and in the Kalahari desert;

  • cape Lion ( Panthera leo melanochaita)

A subspecies that disappeared in the 19th century. The last Cape Lion was shot in 1858. These lions lived in the Cape on Cape of Good Hope, which is located in southern Africa. This species of lions was distinguished by the black tips of the ears, and the mane of a lion covered the stomach and shoulders of the mammal.

Extinct Cape Lion

Together with a tiger, a leopard and a jaguar, the lion forms the genus Panthera, representatives of which can interbreed to form viable hybrids: ligers (tiger cubs), leopons (leopard + lion) and jagulva (jaguar + lion).

White Lion

White lions are not a subspecies, but a genetic disease called leukism, when the coat turns white. White individuals live in the Kruger National Park and in the Timbavati reserve, which are located in the east of South Africa. Basically, such animals are kept in captivity.

White Lion

Do black lions exist in nature?

Black lions do not exist, in captivity such a species could survive, but in the wild it is impossible. In Okovango, they saw a pride of dark brown lions, which scientists called the result of closely related crosses. In general, evidence for the existence of a black lion does not exist.

Black Lion

Where and how do lions live?

Lions live on 2 continents: in Africa and Asia. The distribution area of \u200b\u200blions in Africa is located in the southern part of the Sahara desert. In Asia, a wild lion lives in India, in the Gir forest of the Indian state of Gujarat.

In fact, during the early Middle Ages, the habitat of lions was much wider: animals lived throughout Africa and India, the Middle East, Iran and even the south of Europe and Russia. But the destruction of the habitat of predators and the pursuit of man led to a reduction in the habitat of the lion.

In nature, lions live in the savannah, sometimes in forests or shrubs. Predators live in small flocks - prides, consisting of 5-6 related females, their cubs and 1-2 mature males (2 males can be in the pride only if they are brothers). Young lions, expelled from the pride, expect a life of a loner, the opportunity to join another pride or create your own.

In one pride, on average, there are about thirteen animals, although sometimes the number of members of the "family" can reach forty. Females make up the bulk - a kind of “lion’s harem”. Between the representatives of the "fair sex" there is no relationship "subordinate - leader", all the females are equal to each other. In terms of truth, they are fine. Moreover, some kind of cooperation is established between them: they collect food for the entire pride together, practically at the same time produce cubs and feed them.

Other relationships reign among males. At the head of the pride may be one lion, or maybe a group of lions, among which the leader stands out anyway. The alpha male has privileges, for example, he is the very first to start a meal and the very first to mate with lionesses. Along with pleasant “bonuses”, the leader also has responsibilities: he is the first to reflect the attack of strangers in order to protect his pride. Interestingly, the alpha male is not always the strongest in the pride.

Change houses in their environment

It is no secret that the presence of strangers annoys the king. They perfectly feel the alien spirit. Therefore, a construction or summer house in Moscow, or in some kind of savannah, is not suitable for a temporary shelter. For these purposes, fences of several hectares are used. Details can be studied on the official website manufacturer’s store. But we are not talking about that now ...

The only lion has been in power for about two and a half years, after which a new leader arrives. A group of males usually lasts longer - about three years. If the alpha male is overthrown and a new lion takes its place, a sad fate befell the babies born of the lionesses from the previous leader. The new alpha male kills absolutely all cubs. Such cruelty is explained as follows: the lionesses will not start a new estrus until they raise their babies, which means that there is a danger for the new male not to leave offspring at all if they have time to overthrow him.

The fate of the grown-ups is not in wooden cabins or wagons, but in nature, depending on their gender. Females will join the pride, and males will try to seize power. If they fail, they will be expelled from the pride. For some time, the males will live alone or in a small group until they can seize power in another pride or become at the head of the lionesses who were left without a leader as a result of his death.

Relationship between each other

When animals are not hunting, they can take time for cubs and communicate with each other. During the rest, the lions communicate with each other using certain gestures. The most common movements are rubbing their heads against each other and licking another member of the pride.

If a lion rubs his nose against the neck or head of another individual, then he greets his friend. Usually this ritual is resorted to when a member of the pride returns to the "family". Most often, males rub against each other, and lions - about their mothers. Licking brings pleasure to lions, usually they lick the neck and head of another animal. There are various poses and facial expressions with which lions express their emotions.

Necessary lumber

In the event that the animal is in a shelter or hospital, great attention must be paid to its psychological state. They are violated not only due to a change in living conditions, but also other factors. For example, a room where inexpensive lumber was used from a warehouse may not be suitable. The reason for this is the use of chemicals to kill insects. It is recommended to use, if necessary, timber from Moscow or another city that meets regulatory requirements. For example, a good store selling wood products.

Graceful "kings of animals" have a whole set of different sounds that vary in intonation and strength. Lions can purr, roar, bark, hiss, cough and growl. An interesting scheme in which lions make a roar: first, several strong sounds are born, which end with a powerful sound coming from the bowels of the body. Most often, predators roar at night, then the sound spreads up to eight kilometers! So the animal gives a signal to another beast.

Nutrition and the hunting process

Lions feed on large and small animals. They do not disdain even carrion and rodents. The most common victims of ruthless predators are zebras, wild boars, deer, giraffes, buffalos and antelopes. Sometimes a mammal can attack a small elephant calf or hippopotamus. Sick hyenas, leopards or cheetahs also become excellent prey.

Lionesses are engaged in hunting in the pride, because they are smaller in size and more agile than lions. In addition, they do not interfere with a lush mane. Males hunt in exceptional cases, but if this happens, they eat their prey on their own. Lionesses share responsibilities: someone watches the lion cubs, and someone goes to get food.

Success lionesses reach only once out of ten attempts. Having noticed the prey, the hunters begin to sneak up on the victim inaudibly and at a certain moment, making several quick jumps, overcome the unfortunate animal. Lightning speed, speed and grace of lionesses are a death sentence for many inhabitants of Africa. Females begin an attack as soon as they approach the prey at a distance of thirty meters. Typically, an animal is attacked by several individuals at once from each side.
Most often, graceful lionesses begin to hunt under cover of night. They meet game, even in a change house for people to live, despite the frightening lumber from which they are built. One successful hunting process is able to provide food for four - five animals, which again need food only after a week. As food, mammals choose ungulates weighing from fifty to three hundred kilograms. Lions choose a prey depending on the region where they live. They are especially interested in weak and sick individuals, as well as babies, since it is these categories that are most easily caught and caught.

In order to fully satisfy the hunger, the male just needs to eat seven kilograms of meat, and the female enough five. However, at one time the animal can absorb thirty kilograms of meat. In some cases, a dead animal must be preserved. Then the lions guard the carcass from the vultures circling over food, and fast hyenas, who are just waiting for the opportunity to enjoy alien prey.
  The hunting process brings together all members of the pride. While some females look after all the cubs, others are looking for food. If the lionesses took aim at a large victim, a powerful lion helps in the hunting process, and the kids in the moments of hunting watch their parents, comprehending a science that will help us survive in the future. The first time the lion cubs go hunting at the age of one year, and from two years old they already know how to independently get their own food. Lions attack humans if they can no longer hunt ungulates.

Reproduction and life expectancy, boards

Females reach puberty at four years of age, and males at six years of age. Animals can mate twenty to forty times a day. Pregnancy of lionesses lasts about one hundred and ten days. When the time of birth comes, the female leaves the pack and finds a secluded place for herself, where she successfully resolves herself from the burden without boards.

Completely helpless babies appear who open their eyes only after a week. Lion cubs begin to walk independently after about three weeks. While the kids are in a secluded place, the lioness alone goes hunting. Several times a month, the newly-minted mother hides the babies to avoid a strong concentration of smell, which will attract predators.
When the lion cubs are six to eight weeks old, the circumcised mother lioness returns to her pride. In some cases, the animal may join relatives earlier. Most often this happens if she gives birth to offspring simultaneously with other lionesses. Surprisingly, often females try to combine their cycle so that their cubs appear on the set at the same time. This makes it easier to care for and nurse young animals.

Lion cubs face many dangers. Other predators prey on them: leopards, hyenas, jackals. Buffaloes can kill babies while their mother is hunting. The death sentence for the young is the removal of the leader who runs the pride. The new alpha male will not leave the lion cubs any chance of survival. For example, in Moscow, edged boards are inexpensive from other lumber, can cope with this task without the application of effort. Full information is presented here on city site.

The first acquaintances of the kids with the rest of the pack are accompanied by intense fear. At first, the kids are afraid of everyone except their mother. Gradually they get used to the society of other lions and begin to play among themselves. Each female is more tolerant of her own cubs than the babies of other lionesses. Males behave differently with small members of the pack, they can take part in games, and they can drive away lions from themselves.

White lions

Previously, the existence of snow-white lions was considered a beautiful legend. However, in 1975, scientists who investigated the inhabitants of Africa in order to detect lions with white skin, found three snow-white lion cubs with eyes of a gentle blue color near a golden lioness. Lion cubs were taken to the reserve to save and reproduce amazing animals. Now on the planet lives about three hundred individuals with a white coat color. All of them live in nature reserves, where they are carefully guarded, where there are no cabins from edged boards and other lumber. Science has proven that white lions do not belong to the category of albinos. They can have both blue and golden eyes. The color of the coat is due to the lack of a special gene.

Lions are powerful and powerful animals that have always been an object of admiration. Despite their beauty, they live a hard life full of dangers and threats. So, if you decide to live among them, use protection for yourself, because they are dangerous.